Angelina Jolie: Vegan Diet Nearly Killed Me

by Alan Cooper

How vegan diet left  Angelina Jolie scary skinny

How vegan diet left Angelina Jolie scary skinny

Superskinny "Salt" star Angelina Joilie has ditched her vegan diet, saying it left her malnourished and constantly craving a "big juicy steak".

"I joke that a big juicy steak is my beauty secret. But seriously, I love red meat. I was a vegan for a long time, and it nearly killed me. I found I was not getting enough nutrition," Jolie (35) said recently.

Ironically, news of Jolie abandoning her vegan diet was followed closely by former US president Bill Clinton revealing he'd given up junk food in favor of an almost totally vegan diet.

Go figure...

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Apr 30, 2016
by: Anonymous

The only reason Angelina would get this thin is because she didn't eat enough. I asked my doctor about going vegan a couple days ago about going vegan and he was not against it at all. Also you lose weight if you don't consume enough calories. A vegan diet isn't so low on calories that you would get that skinny. I started veganism recently and I went up a percentile in the weight category instead of losing wheight. I usually have alot of trouble gaining wheight so I know you shouldn't starve as a vegan. Angelina had to have done it very wrong.

Sep 17, 2015
by: Anonymous

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Aug 05, 2015
Vegan Diet Nearly Killed Me
by: Tracy Ryan

It is true the vegan diet can transform you like this scary and skinny creature. Every food has its own importance and we definitely suffer from malnutrition if we dont take proper diet. Meat is high in proteins and very good for health but in a limited quantity. More of anything is not good. If your writing skill is not good, try

May 25, 2015
fake picture
by: Anonymous

the picture is obviously altered sheeple. I know many meat eaters that are undernourished so it can go both ways. Angelina is anorexic and isn't eating enough to get the proper nutrition she needs.

Apr 24, 2015
Angelina Jolie
by: Anonymous

First I am shocked to see the picture of Angelina Jolie. Now I understood the harms of Vegan Diet. college paper writing service offers good information about vegan diet. I show this article to every one and advocate the harms of Vegan diet.

Mar 19, 2015
by: Elen

At first I cannot believe the story of Angelina Jolie. It was very hard to realize that vegan diet affects a person like that. I have no justifications to not to believe the information. Anyway thanks for your valuable sharing!

Sep 23, 2010
Was it really Angelina's vegan diet that made her so skinny...
by: Anon-emouse

... or was it her high, protein red meat diet? I mean, didn't she stop that vegan diet ages ago? Yet, she's still super skinny. Sounds suspiciously like the Atkins Diet to me!

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