Is state-funded obesity surgery a good idea?

by Alan Cooper

Lap band surgery like this could soon be funded by Australian taxpayers

Lap band surgery like this could soon be funded by Australian taxpayers

Should taxpayers have to cough up the cash to fund lap-band surgery for morbidly obese citizens?

That's the question currently being considered by a parliamentary inquiry in Australia.
The Herald Sun reports that the findings of the inquiry are expected shortly and will contain a recommendation on the need for making bariatric surgery - popularly known as lap band surgery - widely available for those considered unable to lose weight through diet, exercise or other means.
What do you think of the plan? Post your views on this page.
For the full story visit...,21985,25429803-662,00.html

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Oct 28, 2015
Education NEW
by: Zac McKivat

This soda tax is really unfair. Seriously, what about those who can't afford so much taxes. So now people should less their soft drink consumption as well? Not fair. You know best assignment writing service are having taxes as a huge upcoming topic of discussion. In which all the taxes and their imposition as well as usage are discussed in detail.

Oct 22, 2015
Lawrenson NEW
by: Zane

This lap band surgery is so much trendy these days. But the thing as much as the benefits it has disadvantages as well. Other ways of loosing weight should be used. Try , It has fitness and diet as an important upcoming topic of discussion. In which people share their obesity and fitness related problems and these are discussed and solve in detail.

Oct 19, 2015
poor people NEW

Grumpy, do not be so cruel! Imagine yourself in such a situation when federal budgeting may be he last hope for you! So, still not sympathizing with those poor?

May 04, 2009
Lap band surgery saved my life
by: Anonymous

If it wasn't for lap band surgery three years ago I would not be alive today.
There is no state funded bariatric surgery where I live (South Africa) and I had to re-mortgage my house to afford it. Thank goodness that option was available to me, or I wouldn't be around to write this.
Maybe Mr Grumpy needs some surgery of his own? I suggest a heart transplant!

May 04, 2009
Lap band surgery a waste of tax money
by: Grumpy

Lap band surgery on the state tab? What a waste of taxpayers' money!
I do feel sorry for people who want this operation and can't afford it. But I really don't think the rest us should be forced to bail them out of a lifetime of poor eating and lifestyle choices.
Let's rather spend the tax money on educating our kids to make the right choices.

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