Weight Loss Secrets of Biggest Loser's Jillian Michaels

by Maddie Klein
(Denver, Colorado)

What are the Fat Burning Secrets of Biggest Loser's Jillian Michaels?

What are the Fat Burning Secrets of Biggest Loser's Jillian Michaels?

The latest Time Magazine has an interview with Biggest Loser Personal Trainer Jillian Michaels. It's up on the Time.com website for those who want more details, but I thought I'd quickly share the three "diet secrets" from her new book, Master Your Metabolism that she mentions in the interview.

First, she recommends you get rid of all of the chemicals in your home, including detergents, cosmetics and any foods that contain them. That's pretty much everything in your food closet - go on read the labels!

Secondly, she says you should put "power nutrients" back into your diet. She doesn't go into what this means in the article, but from past articles about her, I gather these are foods that aid fat burning.

Her third secret is to "rebalance" your life. This ranges from getting enough sleep, to working out correctly, to how much you should eat.

That's it in a nutshell. Personally, I find it a bit extreme, but there are some good lessons you can take away from it.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you really need to hear this...

The Biggest Loser approach to weight loss will most likely NOT WORK FOR YOU!


HINT: It all comes down to the absolutely crucial difference between losing weight and burning fat.

So, to make sure you BURN FAT AND BUILD MUSCLE, don't start any program before you read this report.

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Dec 09, 2010
Realistic Weight Loss Secrets
by: Jason Fellows

I believe that Jiliian Michaels has suggested good ways to lose weight, ways that im sure definitely work, but her suggestions are some what not realistic. When you are on the biggest loser and changing your life style completely because you are in a 8 week long program, and having many sources of help from trainers and nutritionists, yes it is an easy way to become fit, but for the millions of others managing their life schedules, it is not easy for a complete life style change. I think the best ways for people to lose weight is to gradually become healthier. While taking little steps to change your life style it is easier to stick to the changes you make. one can start by reducing their calories, then start making healthier choices, then add exercise, etc. This way the first change they made, doesn't seem noticeable when its time for another change.

Jun 09, 2010
Juillian is Human
by: murph

So what if she's a hypocrite. Aren't we all guilty of being a hypocrite at one point or another in our lives? If i were a celebrity and the media was constantly following me around I would look 10 times worse than Jullian does and I'm not even a bad guy. And as far as her being in it for the money, even if she is in it for the money, can you blame her? Put yourself in that position and you see the oportunity to make money wouldn't you take it? My point is that she's human and i think that she does a great job on her show and she's a great person, helping people lose weight. Her personality fits her profession perfectly. People are ignorant for bashing on her for how mean she is. She's a personal trainer DUH!!! shes suppose to be mean if she wants her clients to succeed. And Juillian, I think your smokin' hot!!!

May 11, 2010
Is my soap collecting making me fat?
by: Anonymous

The chemicals, namely detergents are what caught my eyes here..does this mean , I have to get rid of my soap collection? I have roughly 200 bars soap, all open,, in my bathroom and kitchen.

I am MR. CLEAN 100%!

But is all this soap making me gain weight?

John Atkins

May 10, 2010
by: Anonymous

just so perfect!!!!!!!

Apr 15, 2010
Leave Jillian alone!

Jillian is an inspiration! When ever people try to do good, evil always presents itself. I love this lady.

Apr 02, 2010
She helps me lose weight
by: Anonymous

By encouraging me to self-love, I burn calories and build muscle.

Mar 25, 2010
Take it or leave it!!!
by: Sy

Why do many people hate this woman? She is just making a living just like the rest of us. You don't have to take her word for the truth anymore than you can take Obama's. Do your own research. Find your own truth. Leave the woman alone. I don't see her holding a gun to anyone's head, or twisting their arm forcing them to buy her products. There are bigger losers out there trying to sell you worst crap that JM and guess what...? your buying it!!! That's why we are all fat and out of shape. Kudos JM keep the good work up.

Mar 19, 2010
What Not Both?
by: Anonymous

Why is Jillian Michaels only EITHER a @#$%& or a great trainer, why can't she be both?
My girlfriend recently got back on the horse, watching what she eats and excersizing every day. In order to get some variety in her excisize, she occasionally works out to one of the free on-demand videos offered by our cable provider. Jillian Michaels, and several others, have multiple videos available. When my girlfriend (and I, sometimes) tries videos by people other the Jillian she complains that she isn't challenged. When she watches a Jillian Michaels video I hear "YOU &$#@&!" at least a few times during the 25 minute workout. Why? Because Jillian Michaels pushes people beyond what they want to do, which pisses each them off. At the same time, this is exactly what most people need in order to achieve their fitness goals. My girlfriend continues to return to Jillian Michaels videos because she gets results, even if she gets an earfull for her trouble. Keep it up Jillian, there are already plenty of nice guys out there trying to get us to excersize, it's good to have another option.

Feb 25, 2010
by: Anonymous

Jillian is "Smokin Hot"

Feb 07, 2010
Jillian who are you?
by: Anonymous

Why does this woman get away with being a total b***h? One day she is going to kill someone with her callousness and pushing people over the top. Not every one needs to look like her, nor do many of us want to. But the point is your style is unkind.

Jan 22, 2010
Make water your drink of choice
by: Todd29

There are many good tips on how to achieve permanent weight loss; none of them includes diets or diet pills. The best way to lose weight and to become healthier is to take responsibility for yourself! Your health is your most important asset. For many people, being overweight is associated with being uncomfortable in their own skin. To assist with weight control; keep a daily food journal and every time the urge to snack is felt, first drink a large glass of clear water. This simple act will help you to eat less. Water hydrates you, suppresses your appetite, helps you to feel full, and metabolizes fat cells. Water will soon become one of your best friends. The major reason so many people in America are overweight is because we eat too much for comfort! It does not hurt to treat ourselves with something special once in a while, what is necessary is that we limit our portions and do not overeat! It is also necessary to keep our body properly hydrated, so drink a full glass of water with each meal or snack. Being overweight ******, but after reading a book, I lost 85 pounds! Words can not express how good I feel! This is a comment which I recently received about the book Lose Weight Using Four Easy Steps

Jan 13, 2010
Give Jillian a break!
by: Maddie Klein

Thanks Anonymous for bringing some perspective to what was turning into a bit of a Jillian Michaels bashing session.
I second everything you said.

Jan 08, 2010
To Each Their Own
by: Anonymous

To try and bring things into perspective and risk sounding like a neutralizer, I think Jillian is just trying to spark motivation with her extremity.

We have all seen that Jillian Michaels is VERY passionate about what she does and because that is a part of her personality she takes on everything she does with passion. To tell someone to take ALL chemicals out of their home/workout as MUCH as possible/get ALL the recommended sleep is overwhelming...but only if you let it be.

To only STRIVE to limit the chemicals in your life/workout as much as possible and get the recommended sleep is what I think she's trying to promote. Don't let it overwhelm you. Make small goals to reach that big one.

I am a health care provider who recommends specific exercises/stretches/lifestyle changes to my patients everyday and when I say "do this exercise/stretch 3 times a day", I'm hoping they'll do it at least once a day.

I'm also a good example. After reading "The China Study", for the past 4 months or so, I've been trying to make the transition to semi-vegetarianism and am still not 100% there. But I am making noticeable progress due to the small underwhelming steps I'm taking to get there. And I don't even need to work at it anymore. It's now a part of my lifestyle and I hardly even notice...except for how much better I feel :)

I don't know enough of this bitter orange to comment on it, but if something that is promoted sends off warning bells, then choose what's right for you as an individual. And be honest with yourself. Check your motivation at the door and go with it. Use your own pace, but challenge yourself and fuel your will power.


Jan 04, 2010
More on bitter orange
by: DietSkeptic

You're welcome Anonymous. And thanks for highlighting the bitter orange aspect.

This ingredient in the Jillian Michaels Quickstart Rapid Weight Loss System is indeed controversial.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has this to say about bitter orange...

"There is not enough scientific evidence to support the use of bitter orange for health purposes.

"Many herbal weight-loss products now use concentrated extracts of bitter orange peel in place of ephedra. However, bitter orange contains the chemical synephrine, which is similar to the main chemical in ephedra.

"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned ephedra because it raises blood pressure and is linked to heart attacks and strokes; it is unclear whether bitter orange has similar effects.

"There is currently little evidence that bitter orange is safer to use than ephedra."

I wonder what Jillian Michaels has to say about that?

Jan 04, 2010
Jillian Michaels' bitter orange secret
by: Anonymous

Thank you DietSkeptic for helping expose Jillian Michaels for the hypocrite she is.

The article you refer to also reveals that the diet pills Jillian Michaels is peddling, the Quickstart Rapid Weight Loss System, contain the unregulated and potentially deadly ingredient, bitter orange.

It quotes the National Institutes of Health as follows: "There have been reports of fainting, heart attack, and stroke in healthy people after taking bitter orange supplements.”

And at $87 a bottle the biggest loser is going to be your wallet.

Jan 04, 2010
Jillian Michaels exposed!
by: DietSkeptic

Not everyone thinks the sun shines out of Jillian Michaels' abs.

Check out this article...


...and maybe you won't be so uncritical of her.

It starts like this...

"There are few things that get my goat worse than people who sell magic beans to desperate people. And fitness expert Jillian Michaels just joined that group."

Fascinating reading.

Oct 16, 2009
Jillian Michaels IS extreme...
by: Quentin Kirk

...Extremely easy on the eye that is! I would say that advocating removing all chemicals from your home is going a bit too far for most people.
So in that sense Maddie is right to say Jillian Michael's fitness regimen is a little extreme.

Sep 21, 2009
by: TonyS

This woman is absolutely beautiful, and has an incredible figure, which she's worked hard to develop. She turns the heat up on these overweight people because she wants them to succeed, and live strong healthy, long lives.....how is that extreme?

Aug 18, 2009
by: jonny rocket

extreme? what's extreme about it?

May 18, 2009
Great Story, Maddie
by: Alan Cooper, Editor

Thanks for sharing that Maddie. Everyone has strong feelings about Jillian Michaels one way or another. Whether you love her or hate her, you can't fault her passion.

The part of the article that struck me was when the interviewer asked Jillian whether her background as an overweight teen made her feel sorry for Biggest Loser contestants. Here's what she said...

"I'm not sympathetic. I have zero sympathy. I understand about emotional eating, I understand how painful the process can be, but I also understand that change is possible. In my experience, honesty is the best policy. And being a friend to somebody is not always the best way to help them."

Now that's tough love!

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