Obesity Virus Alert

by Alan Cooper

Dr Jeffrey Schwimmer: Has he found proof of an obesity virus?

Dr Jeffrey Schwimmer: Has he found proof of an obesity virus?

What if you could catch obesity like a cold? It's a scary thought, but a recent study has found that it might just be true! Researchers have fingered a virus called adenovirus 36 (AD-36 for short) as a possible culprit in rising levels of obesity among adults, kids and teens. The latest study, led by Dr. Jeffrey Schwimmer, a pediatric gastroenterologist at Rady Children's Hospital and the University of California, in San Diego, involved 124 children between the ages of 8 and 18. Schwimmer said the results support a link between AD-36 and higher body weight. Children who tested positive for AD-36 weighed about 50 pounds more than those who tested negative.

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Jul 02, 2015
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Yogesh Bhat

Sep 21, 2010
Obesity Virus Antidote?
by: WallyL

Maybe we don't need diet or exercise? If a virus causes obesity, perhaps all we need is an antidote!

Sep 21, 2010
Obesity Virus? You gotta be kidding!
by: Phil

Even if it turns out you can catch obesity like a common cold (and I'm a bit skeptical) it seems the way to treat it remains the same - diet and moderate exercise.

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