Comments for Good enough on paper anyway!

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Oct 19, 2015
type 2 diabetes NEW

Well what can I say. People were always prejudging. As well as you and your wife feel yourselves comfortable with your weight no one it should not concern anyone else.

Mar 06, 2012
Don't blame... NEW
by: Samantha

The joke about the big hands, though funny, was kind of mean and unnecessary. But still, I don't blame the employers for wanting a healthy and good-looking work team.

Jul 12, 2009
Optimal Health!!
by: Anonymous

Unfortunately that is not an uncommon story. People have all types of prejudices which is unfortunate because we are living in the 21 st Century; however being overweight is synonymous with being lazy, there is no truth to that. You need to remain positive and do not give up hope. You both should however think about and consider getting rid of a few pounds because one of your important goals should be to remain healthy so that you can both watch your children grown up to be productive adults in society.

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